The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) has updated its guidance on RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) for dutyholders in the railway industry. The ORR is the enforcing authority for RIDDOR within the rail sector, meaning all reportable incidents – including injuries, diseases, and dangerous occurrences – must be reported to them by law.
The updated RIDDOR guidance document and online reporting form follow the Health and Safety Executive’s post-implementation review of the regulations. The ORR has produced an updated version of both the RIDDOR Guidance document and the online RIDDOR reporting form, following the Health and Safety Executive’s post-implementation review of RIDDOR. The changes it has made are minor, and there are no alterations to the legal requirements of RIDDOR.
The updated guidance aims to assist dutyholders in understanding the legislation and determining whether incidents are reportable, particularly in the context of railways, tramways, and other guided transport systems.
Key changes to the guidance include:
- More example situations to help dutyholders understand the legislation.
- Removal of obsolete or dated references.
- A new chapter dedicated to road vehicle accidents.
- A new appendix outlining the changes from the previous version.
Improvements to the reporting form and its guidance include:
- Enhanced guidance on completing the ORR’s online form for easier RIDDOR reporting.
- More options within the gender drop-down field for injured persons.